It’s a great honor and grace for us to be able to take part in the international conference 2014 in Mexico. After flying 18 hours (altogether,30-hour trip),we finally arrived in Queretaro. It’s located at an altitude of 1800 meters on a plateau. I thought it was hot in Mexico. To our surprise, it’s cool in Queretaro. And it’s characterized for its beauty with Spanish colonial architecture and its good order.
Back to 1990, we were invited by Dr. R. Edward Miller to Atlanta. The vision of our ministry was founded there. God amazingly touched the depth of our heart. The services were wonderful. God satiated the thirst of our heart through worshipping and we received edification of his great love. We really hoped to stay in Atlanta forever. But the vision of Taiwan was upon us and both Naomi and I were sent by the Lord. He said to us:”I’ll give you everything here. Go back to Taichung. I’ll bring my own sheep to you.
God’s been purposely pouring out life of living water and doing wonderful things in Taichung church. What we’d desired of the abundance in Atlanta, now He’s given the abundance of His name to Taichung. He draws us near to His light and receive it out of His immense love. The members of His body can share the praises of His marvelous light and receive the healing, renewal and edification of life in His presence. The taste of the Lord is good. Keep thirsting for Him and His fountain will be pouring out from the beginning till the end. There’s always rain and storm from the outside. That’s why we know how precious living inside of the secret place is.
It’s been 24 years of Taichung church. At the third year of the fourth seven, He did something new , different from the past. A servant, Pr. Juan Carlos Manzewitsch, was sent here to Taiwan in February, 2014. That was completely unexpected. The meekness and humility appears the work God ‘s done in his life. He’s opened up and developed over 200 churches in Europe and America. At first, I thought it was his father who took the initiative. All the work God’s done in Mexico should be attributed to him. Later I found that Pr. Juan Carlos Manzewitsch was the pioneer of the ministry in Mexico when he was merely a young man.Forty pastors were authorized and sent during this conference.He’s used by God because of his meekness and humility as witten in Mt5:5"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."
When I was invited as a speaker this time, the greatest joy of my heart was to receive what I had had in Atlanta. I was curious how so many churches could be developed in such a short time? Normally I can only see the increase in quantity , not in quality. So, I was looking forward to seeing than speaking. If the Lord’s been gracious to me, I can get some treasure God’s done in them back to Taiwan.
Here comes July. It’s hard to imagine that 18 church members would go along with us. Most of them were from Taiwan to Mexico attending the conference. I was glad that more people could go and carry the treasure. Then more can build up the new construction of Taichung church with one accord. Also they will inherit new inheritance when they grow up. As a shepherd, this is the ministry toward children and the extension of a calling to witness the promise He’s going to fulfill.
The movement of the Holy Spirit in this conference was just the same as He did in Atlanta. I was astonished that there is a clear fountain, a big well-a fountain of love in MVI, not just in quantity. At the last service on Sunday, I saw the same flow of the Holy Spirit in Atlanta in 1990 flowing upon me again, overflowing me like a flood. The Spirit of the Lord was upon me and I was immerged in it. After a period of time, the Holy Spirit called me to stand up to see His movement. This was another great joy seeing people enjoy the banquet of the Lord and revealing His glory. I also relished the banquet shouting in my heart ”What a wonderful banquet it is!”
Being a cook for over 20 years, now I can enjoy the Mexican cuisine cooked by a young cook. Then I saw my church members, partakers of the banquet, boldly eating and drinking as much as they could out of a thirsty heart, I was overwhelmed with the fountain of joy.
I strongly believe that the Lord will be leading us to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of us and to proclaim the praises of Him as Pr. Juan Carlos Manzewitsch, the witness of theLord at this generation, has extended the Gospel, the power of God.We ally in Christ.
We’ve met Mr. and Mrs.Rubén Torres, the elder, in Mexico .He is an entrepreneur, a successful businessman. I feel very grateful that we get to know Pr. Juan Carlos Manzewitsch through him.He is a practical and down-to-earth servant, willing to give for the Lord out of a meek and humble heart. We also met Pr. SamuelManzewitsch. God used him to perform the healing ministry in this conference. We had fellowship together and got to know some situation in Atlanta. I also got to know other pastors, like Pastor Ricky Paris, you can feel he‘s a caring, faithful and humble shepherd. And Pastor Bill Byers, in charge of the ministry of evangelism in Asia, he’s an interesting, amiable shepherd. I believe God will bring them to the ministry in Taiwan in the near future.
God’s been merciful to Taichung church. The church was small in the beginning. I didn’t know why Dr. R. Edward Miller would be willing to come to such a small church to serve us. Now,Pr. Juan Carlos Manzewitsch is willing to ally with a small church like us. I think this is a new promise of God to let us have spiritual companions,so we’ll be strengthened to walk in His way. They’re a group of servants, amiable pioneers with strong determination to stick up for the Lord. This is the plan of His purpose to have us ally with them in Christ. Although we can’t see His strategy now,we’re already in it. Keep drinking in this fountain of living water,
“so where theriver flows,everything will live.”(Eze47:9)
I didn’t know how to preach the gospel as I came back to Taichung from Atlanta. The Lord preached Himself . I still don’t know how to open up and develope the gospel,but likewise,the Lord will do it Himself. For nobody can stop Him from outflowing. I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but press on toward the goal.